
My name is Zac Toa.

Here in Pithy Academy, I give crash courses on the basic ideas of a wide range of subjects, from Economic Efficiency to Social Psychology. The goal of this site (for me) is to teach important, relevant subjects in a way that’s digestible and entertaining.

To accomplish that, I employ the following tactics:

    I highlight important terms and concepts.
    -When an idea is abstract, I give concrete examples.
    I avoid excessive jargon.
    -I focus on what’s worth learning, meaning I avoid trivia.
    -I set up clear expectations on what you will learn. That is: I pose question headings, followed by answer subheadings, so you know what to focus on.
    I balance thoroughness with simplicity, so you can learn as much as you need without feeling bogged down by details.
    -When math is involved, I use simple numbers.
    -When human follies are discussed, I use humor.
    -I insult you.
    -I love you.

This site is currently under construction. The crash courses available right now are:

    I. Economic Efficiency
    II. Supply and Demand
    III. Microeconomics
    I. General Writing Guide
    And II. Intermediate Grammar

Check out these courses to see how awesome Pithy Academy is.

If you would like to know how this site develops every six months, subscribe to the mailing list.


Zac Toa